Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pancake Breakfast - May 1st

My life is all about my girls and family. Their main competition at this point is the PANCAKE BREAKFAST. This is an event I am helping to plan for my work and is a huge deal. I never knew the amount of work and planning that went into an event like this. We will serve well over 500 guest and all proceeds go directly to support our agency programs including our 3 CILA's as well as out DT Center. The event is a lot of fun! We eat pancakes and enjoy coffee with our friends but we also gamble!! That's right we know how to have a good time. We have 3 raffle tables going a Pick Your Own with 20ish AWESOME PRIZES, The Big Raffle with over 100 prizes and gift certificates and then the Silver Dollar Raffle with over 300 prizes for the kids! We wrap up the event with our grandest raffle the $10,000 pot. That is right, $10,000! The thing that is so great about this one is that there are only 250 tickets sold so your odds are pretty darn good considering other than the $10,000 you have 7 other opportunities to double your money!

I invite you all to come! If you are not in the area you can still support Austin by buying a ticket for any of the raffles including the $10,000 CASH RAFFLE (winner need not be present).

45th Annual
Pancake Breakfast

May 1, 2011

8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Austin Special Work Center
5414 W. Diversey, Chicago

                        fluffy Pancakes, sizzling Sausage, fresh Juice, and piping hot Coffee!

ADULTS $6.00

1 comment:

  1. I'm not in the area (so I'm super jealous that I don't got soft, fluffy, delicious pancakes) but would love to contribute! How can I get a raffle ticket?
