Vanessa Dufenschmirtz is the most zurberting baby in the world! It is so cute, most of the time! Although sometimes I think she gets carried away and just spits at me? Hum?? She seems sweet BUT sometimes those are the ones you gotta watch out for. Vanessa got a new name this week, from her big sister of course. Apparently Maise is bored with just plan Nessa and now calls her sister Onessa. Sounds kind of fancy! Our little Vanessa turns 6 months this week, as if it was not hard enough getting used to the idea that Maise will be two but now Nessa is 6 months. In the voice of Red Sandford "My heart, My heart"! Just as I was hoping my Nessa is sitting up all by herself. It took some intense work this week but look what we can do:
(Yes she did go thump at the end...but she did great up to that point!)
Ok I am off to a busy week getting ready for my big girls party.
Have a great week!
They're getting so big so cute. Pure cuteness. Happy early 2nd birthday Maise! Vanessa Dufenschmirtz, cute, always enjoy a Phineas and Ferb reference!